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AEC 690

AEC 690 Dumptruck

When the AEC 690 was first suggested as an addition to the Oxford range it bought back memories of my time growing up in South Wales during the 1960’s. My grandfather had a Morris Oxford, I remember every bit of that car, it was registered PWN 469 a Series III. It had indicator stalks that would pop out from between the doors.

Locally we would walk everywhere, but sometimes on odd occasions we would travel farther afield returning later in the evenings. The Port Talbot by-pass was under construction, which would later become part of the M4. There were over 15,000 workers at the local steel plant, the light and the smoke that was belching out of the works seemed like one big firework display – for an 8 year old who loved cars and trucks, nothing could beat this as there were vehicles everywhere. Then as we travelled towards Swansea there was building and construction everywhere. Factories dominated the landscape Ford, AWCO and Alcoa and so many more.

Peering through the window of the Morris Oxford, I have recollections of seeing so many trucks that looked like the AEC 690 Dumptruk. 


AEC 690 Brochure Cover - Oxford Diecast

AEC 690 Brochure Cover

It was rebadged, with different engines and updated body variations over it life time.

AEC 690                                    1964-1969

Aveling Barford 690                   1969-1975

Leyland LD55                             1975-1980

Leyland Bush Tractor LD55       1972-1980

Scammell LD55                          1975-1980

Scammell Bush Tractor LD55     1972-1980

Thornycroft Bush Tractor            1970-1972


AEC 690 Truck


AEC 690 Truck


The cab and chassis were designed by Thornycroft, who had been purchased by AEC in the early 1960’s. The AEC 690 was a real workhorse.

AEC 690 Cab Interior

An all-steel full-width cab, resiliently mounted with easy access steps both sides, has a lined interior and flat two-piece reverse sloping windscreen, counter-balanced drop door windows, rear view quarter and centre windows and adjustable driver's seat. Cab equipment includes twin windscreen wipers, two large rear view mirrors, and efficient heater/demister unit and a tool box.

The Oxford Diecast 1:76 scale model trucks are as follows and the first release will appear during August/September of 2022. It is tooled as both a truck  and a concrete/cement mixer.

Oxford Diecast Line Drawings of 1:76 Scale Model
Line drawings of the Oxford Diecast AEC 690 Truck and Mixer


To be emailed on release of these just follow links below.

76ACD001 1:76 Wimpey Truck - Released 25th July 2022

76ACD001 Dumper Truck Wimpey

76ACD002 1:76 NCB Truck

76ACD002 NCB Truck Oxford Diecast

76ACM001 1:76 Concrete Mixer Blue

76ACM001 Cement Mixer Blue

76ACM002 1:76 Cement Mixer Yellow and Black

76ACM002 Yellow and Black AEC690 Cement Mixer


Leyland LD55 Advert Oxford Diecast

Advert with  the later LD55


Below are some early CAD pictures and early shot images.

76ACD AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACD AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACD AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACD AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACM AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACM AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACM AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACM AEC 690 CAD Oxford Diecast

76ACD Oxford Diecast Truck

76ACM Oxford Diecast Cement and Concrete Mixer



Further livery updates will be announced later this year.


Previous article August 2022 - January 2023 Future Announcements
Next article Update to Future Items February 2022


John Seymour - June 29, 2022

A 1:76 scale Austin 7 Ruby would certainly would be on my wish list. I’m sure it would be popular with the model railway enthusiasts these little Austin’s were still common post war and on to the early 1960s, after which I sure many met their ending with the new MOT test.
Another wish would be a 1:43 scale Wolseley 6/80 a prolific star of many 1950s films especially in police guise.
I’m sure the dump truck will be popular.

Graham Sharpley - June 29, 2022

Fascinating beast, never really saw these as i grew up in suburban London. Would be nice 1/43. I don’t know about a 1/76 ruby, how about a good run of 1/1, would go well with my Morris 8.

peter d. smith - June 29, 2022

hi there. great to see the AEC 690 dumptruck coming on. i used to work at AEC in the 70s until closure in may 79.i remember these vehicles were made at Thornycroft but on one occaision one turned up with body on and i was allowed to drive it around the yard. Wimpey was down the road from us in southall. great times at AEC, when powered by the av760 the air- cleaners were on top of the engine, they were coopers oil bath air cleaners,i have one at home for nostalger

Angus webster - June 29, 2022

Looks ideal for open cut metalliferous and coal mining in 1960’s. A fleet of 4 to 6 of these trucks would support a small/medium size copper mine of that era. Dull yellow or grey, weathered with large white number on cab door. No wasp stripes then either. Please keep me informed.

Philip M. Beauchamp - June 29, 2022

Between 1965 and 1985 I was heavily involved in the marketing of AEC, Leyland, Guy and Thornycroft products. To acquire your AEC or Leyland version/s of the 690 or the LD55 respectively in both 1:76 and 1:148 scales would please me immensely. Please notify when either or both are available for purchase, Wimpey livery would be excellent. Thank you.

Gareth Gruffydd - June 29, 2022

Hi Taff,
I’m very impressed with the dumper truck design, but like the other suggestion, I would like some weathering on the model so that it resembles the truck in use.
Amy chance of downsizing the Austin Ruby to 1:76 scale?

David - June 29, 2022

CAN YOU PRODUCE THE NEW models in 1 43 scale? As my main collection is in this scale.

Roger Cooper - June 29, 2022

I would love to see you produce the British European Airways AEC Regal deck and a half airline coach in 1/76 scale and 1/43 scale!!!
I would also like to see more from you in the range of 1/43 coaches.

Peter Collin - June 29, 2022

An Aveling Barford version of the tipper would be great. I used to work for the company

Bob Fleming - June 29, 2022

The models look far too clean and shiny, particularly around the wheels. Some distressing needed.

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